Monday, September 18, 2006

A Complete Roster?

Friday I got a memo from the D!vision of Assessment and Accountab!l!ty saying that they would be updating the NYSESL@T test results rosters and to check ATS (the school computer system) on Monday. Today I pulled up the report and saw I gained 7 students. I'm not sure what the problem was but hopefully everything is complete now. We didn't even get the first roster until a week and a half into school. Funny how a department with the word accountability in the title doesn't seem to be very accountable. Are last year's reading and math scores even in yet? And readers of Ms. Frizzle will remember she had to wait more than a year for her science scores.

Anyway . . .

So now I have a total of 39 students. I pick them up in groups of about 8-12. Then I also have the newcomers in a group of 4. Tomorrow I should start seeing some of my groups. I was ready to pick up my fifth graders today and then I had to cover a second grade class. I'm just ready to get started already.

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